Cat Foster Application Applicant's Name * First Name Last Name Name as it appears on Facebook * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone (###) ### #### Do you own or rent? Own Rent, with permission from Landlord received to foster. Rent, without permission from Landlord received to foster. Have you fostered before? Yes, a few times Yes, experienced foster No Which animals are you willing to foster? Cats Kittens Feral Cats/Kittens Pregnant cats Litters of kittens with mom cat Litters of kittens, bottle fed Cat/skittens with medical needs (vetting, medication, wound tending etc) Dogs/Puppies Do you have any other pets currently in your home? (types, ages, spayed/neutered, vaccinated) Please list any children living in your home, including their age. Do you have the ability to transport (drive) cats to and from the vet, airport or other drop off locations? * Yes No Do you understand and agree that you are fostering for a non adopting rescue, and your foster will not be eligible for adoption? * Yes No Reference #1 First Name Last Name Reference #1 Phone (###) ### #### Reference #2 First Name Last Name Reference #2 Phone (###) ### #### DIGITAL SIGNATURE (Please type full name here.) * Please check to agree to the following terms and conditions: * The Rescue is the legal guardian of the foster animal until it is transferred or adopted and the Directors will make all decisions determining its medical care and safety. I will adhere to all recommendations regarding training and discipline as outlined by Rescue staff, such as crate training and positive reinforcement. I am responsible for the well-being of the foster animal while it is under my care. All other cats/dogs in the foster home need to have up to date vaccinations and be spayed/neutered. Supplies are provided by the Rescue and I agree to return them once the foster animal in my care has been adopted. Additional items purchased will not be reimbursed unless authorized by the Directors ahead of time. Should health concerns arise with the foster animal, or should they run away, I am to report it immediately to the Directors. If I choose to integrate this foster animal with my animals, any vet bills for my animals is my responsibility, and not that of the Rescue. At any time the Rescue may move my foster animal to another home or transfer to another rescue. Thank you! We will be in touch should we need more information regarding your application.